Friday, March 9, 2018

Blog #11 ~ Success & Failure within the school year

      Throughout the school year so far, I feel that I've done a lot and surpassed my expectations then what I had previously predicted. I'm super happy and haven't had many downs as predicted. Last year I expected to come into grade 10 achieving the same grades and not really improve or drop. But in reality, all of my subject's grades went up. I tried to attempt new things that I thought I'd never do before and pursued some new hobbies. At this moment in time, I'm really happy with the results I produced and hope to keep improving.

      One of the hobbies that I really started pursuing after a large purchase was photography. I've always enjoyed taking pictures but when I purchased my camera, it allowed me to try some ideas I had and get my creative juices flowing. I enjoy taking landscape pictures, but I've recently gotten into taking portraits of people. My hope is to bring lots of people together and take one day to go around Vancouver and make lots of friends in the process.

Shot on 02/24/18

        Sort of connected to photography was my love for shoes and "Streetwear". From the beginning of the school year, I've been trying to make some extra money with buying and selling shoes. During this process, I had many ups and downs. I basically "took the L" in a sense because I thought a shoe would sell but then it just declined in price. From September to now (March 2018) the streetwear community has been on a decline but hasn't taken a big hit yet. The potential to sell a shoe which retailed for $200 and flip it for $600, really made me pursue in reselling throughout this year

      Some downs of school were just doing badly on projects and have those mishaps on a test. I've had 3 test mess ups so far. One in Math and two in French. The mistakes that were made were really basic miscalculations for math and forgetting/adding extra letters to a word in French. They are very easy fixes but at the time of the test I either blanked out or was stressed because of all the questions or other things happening.

      Just recently there were tryouts for Churchill Ultimate Frisbee Junior team. I decided to try out once again. The tryouts were super stressful. It required tons of focus and making sure you're putting in 100% when throwing, catching, and running. I was actually really surprised that I made the team again just because there was a lot of competition to compete against. Ultimate to me is a stress reliever. It allows me to throw around with friends and lets me refresh myself. Let's hope that this year the Churchill Junior Ulti team will prevail as Champs in cities and Provincials.   

      I hope that the rest of grade 10 will be just as fun, challenging and successful at the beginning of this year. There are many things to improve on and I hope I can try more new things outside of my comfort zone.


Wear your soles #12 ~ The Up Rise of Adidas - Part 1

The up rise of Adidas has been caused by many different factors within the past 5 years. The brand of the three stripes really started t...